Chandrakant Dada Patil On Water Supply Work Tenders Extended Up to 15th June
To overcome the severe drought situation in Maharashtra state, Agriculture and Revenue Minister of Maharashtra Honourable Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil is implementing different plans and remedies. Recently he informed that under Drought Relief Program, drinking water supply issues will be on top-priority and for this purpose, the tender process can be extended up to 15th June. Revenue and Agriculture Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil informed that as per the instruction of Hon. Chief Minister, all Guardian Ministers have conducted the review of their districts to understand the drought situation in the district and the remedies to be undertaken in the drought-affected area. As per the Drought Relief Programme, drinking water supply is on the top priority and to promote this work on a greater extent it can be extended up to 15 June. Revenue Minister informed this decision in a press conference organized after the meeting of a drought-related subcommittee meeti...